Liability Waiver
Please read...
This notice serves as acknowledgement that upon registration of any class given by Black Pow-der LLC, the registrant understands the risk(s) associated with taking part in this type of program. The registrant voluntarily elects to participate in a program dealing with self-defense activities and understands these activities are inherently dangerous. The registrant acknowledges that they received instructions on safety and will comply with all rules, regulations, and directions, either written or oral, as received from the instructor and/or their designated agents. The registrant hereby certifies and attests that upon the commencement of the training session, they will not be under the influence of any substances, including but not limited to alcohol, prescription drugs, over the counter (OTC) drugs, or illegal drugs, which may affect their judgement. The registrant understands BLACK POW-DER LLC has full authority to prevent or remove them from any session if they suspect the registrant is not in full control of their faculties for any reason. For the safety of instructors, staff, and other attendees, BLACK POW-DER LLC has the right to remove the registrant from any training session if they become disruptive or if they are deemed a safety risk due to violating any safety rules.
The registrant attests that they do not have any physical injuries or restrictions that would limit or prevent them from participating in this training and they will inform the instructor(s) upon arrival to the training venue of any change or injury regardless of nature of occurrence. ​This release is intended to cover all accidents or injuries of every name, nature, or type, if any, which may be sustained or suffered from any cause whatsoever connected with, or arising out of, or by reason of participating in training offered by BLACK POW-DER LLC.
The registrant, their parents and/or legal guardians, or any legal representative do hereby forever release, acquit, and discharge the instructors, officers, shareholders, employees, and agents from all causes of action, costs, charges, claims, demands, and liabilities of whatever kind, name or nature in any manner arising from the participation in the provided training.
BLACK POW-DER LLC does not provide legal advice. All legal type information is found on the respective sites for the respective states for instruction given. Registrants participating in any course offered by
BLACK POW-DER LLC are implied as being there legally.
Dependent upon the location for instruction, a separate waiver may need to be signed, and a separate safety briefing may be required.​
CAUTION: negligent discharge, & armed or unarmed self-defense training is hazardous. Injury or death may occur. All registrants, and/or their parents/legal guardian(s), do fully understand that no participant in class or on a range will be covered by any type of accident, injury or medical liability insurance while using any facility and receiving services from BLACK POW-DER LLC. BLACK POW-DER LLC assumes no responsibility for any injury of any nature.
This is a legally binding contract and releases BLACK POW-DER LLC from liability or legal pursuit for accident, injury and/or death. Registering for and proceeding with attendance to a BLACK POW-DER LLC course binds the registrant to all of the terms and conditions set forth herein and to all of the stated rules and regulations.
All signatures are implied.